Praca JUNIOR HR - oferty pracy

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W serwisie internetowym mo偶esz zapozna膰 si臋 ze wszystkimi ofertami pracy JUNIOR HR, kt贸re s膮 dost臋pne w naszym serwisie internetowych. Mo偶esz przegl膮da膰 1 ofert pracy JUNIOR HR.

JUNIOR HR - od 2聽100 PLN

The resources, as part of the Administration and Financial Department, will participate in the process of running the HR sector. In particular, together with the other members of the Administration and Financial Department, will be responsible for:-Updating HR reports -Controlling the pay slip prepared by the consultant-Preparing the HR contracts -Managing the delivery papers (car, phone, safety material, ).
Impresa Pizzarotti & C. S.p.a. Sp贸艂ka Akcyjna Oddzia艂 w Polsce - 2018-03-09 - Suwa艂ki (podlaskie)